Serum electrolytes and osmolality in diabetes mellitus.

Original article


Rao GM.

Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Great Al-Fateh University of Medical Sciences, Tripoli, Libya.

Indian J Med Sci. 1992 Oct;46(10):301-3.


Fasting plasma glucose levels, serum osmolality and serum concentrations of sodium and potassium were determined in 73 Libyan diabetic patients attending the outpatient clinic of the Diabetes Hospital, Tripoli, Libya. The respective mean values were 234.8 +/- 9.7 mg.dl-1, 288.5 +/- 2 m0sm.L-1, 134.7 +/- 0.8 mEq.L-1 and 4.2 +/- 0.07 mEq.L-1. Statistically significant correlations were present between fasting plasma glucose and serum osmolality as well as the concentrations of serum sodium and potassium. There is is an increase in osmolality and levels of sodium and potassium concentration with an increase in plasma glucose concentration.

Keywords: Serum electrolytes and osmolality in diabetes mellitus.
