Serum Total IgE Levels in Normal Newborns

Original article


A.S.M. Giasuddin , M.M. Ziu 1, F.M. Legnain &, A.I. El-Sherif

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 18. 1995-1997: 54 -61


Thirty-five Libyan normal newborns (sex: 20 males, 15 females; age: 1 day) were investigated for serum total immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels by using the IgE-EIA of bioMerieux, France. These babies were born through normal vaginal delivery with normal gestation period of 36-40 weeks and normal birth weight of 2.5 kg. They had fulfilled the neurological, cardiac, laboratory and other criteria for normality of newborn including clinical and laboratory evaluations of their mothers. The serum total IgE levels in these newborns (1 day old) were observed to be 2.3 ± 2.0 iu/ml (Mean ± SD), 0.0-8.0 iu/ml (Observed range) and 0.0-7.8 iu/ml) (95% Range). No difference was noted between mean serum total IgE levels of 2.3 ± 2.0 iu/ml in Libyan normal newborns was comparable with other reports in the literature for the same age group (P>0. 1). Therefore, serum total IgE level reported in this communication may be useful as a guide for Libyan newborns particularly for prediction of allergy, and for diagnosis of asthma, helminthiasis and other immune defects

Keywords: Serum Total IgE Levels in Normal Newborns
