Original article
K.N. Bhargava, C.C.S. Rao, G. Hassan
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 5, No.1. January 1982:19-23
The innervation of avian pancreas (in domestic fowl and rock pigeon) was studied using more specific & reliable copper thiocholine method in addition to the routine silver impregnation methods for staining nerve elements. Special attention was paid to the cholinergic innervation. Four distinct types of cholinesterase positive nerve plexuses, namely, Perivascular, Periductural, Peninsular and Periacinar were observed. They were often found to be connected with each other by cholinesterase positive nerve fibres. A ChE positive (parasympathetic) ganglia of various sizes and shapes were seen in the vicinity of these plexuses. The significance of such a profuse parasympathetic innervation merits discussion.
Keywords: Some Neurohistological and Histochemical observations on the intrinsic Innervation of Avian Pancreas