Some Reflections on the Use and Misuse of Drugs in The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya



M. S. Elfellah 1, A. Bougaigis 2, S. D. Gokhale 1

1- Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine. 2- Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, 8 University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A .J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 3, No.2. July 1980:71-76


In the Libyan Jamahiriya, drugs are being misused on a large scale. This conclusion, though based mainly on the drug distribution data collected by Dr. Lund is amply supported by our discussion with members of the Libyan medical profession and a scrutiny of sample prescriptions from our medical centres. Several glaring examples of such misuse are cited. The drug distributors, doctors, pharmacists and the consumer are all responsible for this misuse and responsibility at all these levels is briefly discussed.
In view of the magnitude and gravity of this problem of misuse of drugs the following remedial measures are suggested for urgent implimentation!
1. Unification of the Health Care Delivery System.
2. Improving Diagnostic and other Laboratory Facilities.
3. Improving the legal aspects of drug dispensing.
4. Establishment of a DRUG CENTRE with the following Sub-divisions:
A. Drug Information Centre,
B. Quality Control Centre,
C. Drug Monitoring Centre,
D. Drug Surveillance Centre.
5. Formation of Drug Surveillance Units for every hospital and dispensary.

Keywords: Some Reflections on the Use and Misuse of Drugs in The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
