Sonographic evaluation of gastrointestinal obstruction in infants: a pictorial essay.


Maheshwari P, Abograra A, Shamam O.

Department of Radiology, Tripoli Medical Center, Tripoli, Libya.

J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Oct;44(10):2037-42.


Traditionally, gastrointestinal contrast studies have been the mainstay of evaluating infantile gastrointestinal problems. Because of technological advancements, good ultrasonography (USG) machines can provide high-resolution images with graphic anatomical clarity, especially in infants and children and thus change the traditional diagnostic trends. In this article, we illustrate the USG appearances of various causes of gastrointestinal obstruction in infants and discuss the role of USG in their evaluation.

Keywords: USG; Gastrointestinal obstruction; Infants
