Ali Elhamel
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Alfateh University, Tripoli, Libya
JMJ Vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring 2006): 05-07
The changing patterns in health care and patient’s expectations and the recent proliferation of elaborate technologies and medical specialisation have revolutionised the practice of surgery and prompted the need to train surgeons differently. The teacher centred and fact loaded apprenticeship style teaching has been dominant at most stages of medical training in many countries over a long period of time. This traditional training model is recognised to have shortcomings and has changed significantly in the past two decades with emphasis on structured training, supervision, and an appraisal based approach. This process requires organisation-wide approach and mechanisms for adoption of the principles and methods of continues quality improvement. The objective is to have a quality surgical training that produces quality surgeons capable of providing outstanding surgical care that meets people’s needs.
Keywords: Specialist training, Training requirements, Implementation of regulations, Evolution in surgical practice, Modernisation of training, Service performance
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/editorials/spring_2006.pdf