Spontaneous Appendico-Cutaneous Fistula: a rare Complication

Case report


Mahjoub Rishi1, Ehtuish F. Ehtuish1, Elhousieni Fachzart1, Anuj Mishra2, Adel Hanesh1, Tamer Abdulmola1.

1- Department of Surgery, University of Al-Fateh 2-Department of Radiology, National Organ Transplant Program, Tripoli Central Hospital,Tripoli- Libya

JMJ Vo1.7 No.1 (Spring) 2007:71-73


Spontaneous appendico-cutaneous fistula (SACF) has been described in literature as a complication of acute appendicitis. However, scrotal abscess originating from appendicitis has rarely been described and, to our knowledge, co-existence of scrotal abscess, pelvic abscess and appendico-cutaneous fistula at the base of the scrotum complicating acute appendicitis has never been reported in the literature. We describe one such case where the patient presented with a discharging sinus at the base of the scrotum. Condition like this poses a pre-operative diagnostic challenge. Multislice CT fistulogram proves to be a valuable aid in this regard.

Keywords: Spontaneous appendico-cutaneous fistula, Acute appendicitis, Scrotal abscess, Fistulogram, CT

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