Stereological Analysis of Mucosal Mast Cell Number in the Rat Intestine

Original article


M.A. Mughal, S. Zubi, P. Strojny, W. Sawicki

Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Al Arab Medical University, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 11, No. 1-2 . January 1988: 11-17


Sections of rat jejunum, ileum and colon were stained with toluidine blue and acid fuchsin and analysed with the stereological methods. Three parameters of mucosal mast cells were calculated: volumetric density, surface density and numerical density, separately for lamina propria mast cells surrounding the intestinal crypts, for that of villi as well as for intraepithelial mast cells of colonic epithelium. The results indicated that the most numerous mast cells occurred in lamina propria surrounding the crypts of jejunum, whereas the villus mast cells were significantly less numerous. Similarly the volumetric density varied depending upon the lamina propria situation within the intestine wall and the region of the intestine.

Keywords: Stereological Analysis of Mucosal Mast Cell Number in the Rat Intestine
