Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) implantation for treatment of stress urinary incontinence

Original article


M. Bulugma, S. Meghil, A. Fischer, B. Arnold, G. Hoffmann

Uro-Gynaecological Department, St. Josef Hospital, Wiesbaden-Germany

JMJ Vol.3 No.2 (September) 2004: 61-62


TVT-Implantation was the main surgical treatment of Female stress Urinary Incontinence in Saint Josef Hospital in the period between 1998-2001 where it replaced with some newly Vaginal operations like Monarche and Petrose Operation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the technique, safety and efficacy of the Operation in this period. More than 400 Patients suffering from genuine stress urinary incontinence grade II-III was involved, 79% of them more than 55 years old. Around 73% of the Operations were simple TVT where as the rest accompanied with other Genital prolapse operations in one or two set operation. The mean operation time for simple TVT was 26 min (range between 18-35 minutes). More than 90% of simple TVT-Implantation was released from Hospital within 24 hours without catheterisation. Our conclusion was positive with a lot of advantages and less complications regarding the old abdominal operations for SUI. Two Libyan Doctors were involved in the study of the procedure, Dr. Mustafa Bulugma and Dr. Saleh Meghil, St. Josef Hospital.

Keywords: Local Anaesthesia (LA), Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), Urge Incontinence (UI), Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), Postmenopausal (PM), Supra-pubic Catheter (SPC)

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