Original article
Rugia O. Amara¹, Suher M. Aburawi², Abdulbaset R. Abuzwaida¹, Sakina S. Sadawi¹, Karima M. Aleati¹, Mostafa S. El belazi¹and Sana M. Abid¹
¹- Biotechnology Research Centre, Twisha, Gasr ben Ghachier, Libya ²-Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Al-Fateh University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tripoli, Libya
JMJ Vol. 7, No. 2 (Summer 2007):122-127
It is known that Ramadan has a dramatic effect on biochemical functions of human body, despite low number of researches in this matter. This work studies the effect of Ramadan fasting on biochemistry of blood; it was conducted on normal, adult, males healthy Libyan volunteers of biotechnology research centre (N=30), ages between 20-45 years. Blood samples were collected one day before the beginning, two weeks, three weeks during the fasting month and two weeks after the end of Ramadan month. The levels of Red Blood Cells and Haemoglobin were decreased significantly after fasting three weeks; two weeks after the end of Ramadan, the levels restored to normal. The Haematocrit percentage was significantly declined by fasting and even two weeks after the end of the fasting month. There is no significant changes in the levels of Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin and Mean corpuscular volume. The levels of Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration showed a significant time dependent increase through the fasting month, and even two weeks after the end of Ramadan. There is significant decrease in the levels of Red Distribution Width during the month and even two weeks after the end of Ramadan. The results showed no changes in the White Blood Cell count and differential White Blood Cells (Neutrophils, Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Large Immature Cells, Eosinophils) during the fasting month and even two weeks after the end of Ramadan month. The levels of Basophils were significantly increased during the two weeks after the end of Ramadan compared to the levels during the fasting month. There was a significant time dependent increase in the levels of Atypical Lymphocytes during the fasting month then the level restored back to normal two weeks after the end of Ramadan month. The Platelets, Mean Platelets Volume, Plateltcrite, Platelet Distribution Width, were not changed during the fasting month. It is found that, during Ramadan fasting month iron deficiency anaemia occurs due to the nutrition habit (fat, carbohydrates and sugar); this may be due to ignoring the fruits and vegetables that contain iron and antioxidants such as vitamin C which helps the absorption of iron.
Keywords: Ramadan Fasting, Blood biochemistry
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1392