The Effect of Some Drugs on the Responses of the Isolated Rabbit Jejunum to Stimulation of Neurovascular Bundles in the Finkleman Preparation

Original article


S. D. Gokhale, M. M. Ben-Sreti

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 1, No.1. January 1978:21-25


Morphine, imipramine, 3,6-Di (3-diethylaminopropoxy) pyridazine di (methiodide) (Win 4981), and B-phenylisopropl hydrazine (catron) produced a definite impairment of the responses of the isolated rabbit jejunum to periarterial nerve stimulation. This effect which was slow in onset and long indurationwas more marked at higher frequencies of stimulation. Though the blocking action of hemichelinium and triethylcholine was somewhat variable was often observed especially at higher frequencies of stimulation.
In preparations that were pretreated by subjecting them to continuous nerve stimulation for periods of 4 mm, triethylcholine caused a complete fai lure of transmission. Some of our observations tend to support the proposed (2) role of acetylcholine in sympathetic nerve function. The adrenergic nerve blocking action of imipramine and catron, observed in the present experiments is proposed as an explanation of their antagonism of bretylium. Tetraethyl ammonium did not reduce responses to nerve stimulation indicating absence of ganglionic synapses between the periarterial nerves and the smooth muscle of the jejunum. P286, a specific blocker of the adrenal medulla had no effect on responses to nerve stimulation.

Keywords: The Effect of Some Drugs on the Responses of the Isolated Rabbit Jejunum to Stimulation of Neurovascular Bundles in the Finkleman Preparation
