The Experience of Al-Jamahiriya Hospital Benghazi, with Breech Presentation

Original article


Jaffer J., Khanna S. , Legnain M. M.

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.16, No.1-2. January/July 1993:97-102


Management of breech presentation has been a dilemma. Reports from all over the world show that there is an increasing trend of caesarean section for breech presentation, but this trend may not be applicable in parts of the world where a small family norm is not accepted. A study on breech presentation was done at Al-Jamahiriya Hospital, Benghazi, Libya which has a delivery rate of 18,000 per year. The average birth weight of baby is 4000 gram, and the average parity is 6 – 7. Incidence of breech was found to be 3.26%. Most of the cases (76.04%) had vaginal delivery, and caesarean section rate was 23.96%. Over all perinatal mortality was 26.83% and corrected perinatal mortality was 5.90% in comparison to average perinatal mortality figures of 2.5% in Al-Jamahiriya Hospital. Foetal morbidity was very low.
The study brings about a ci ear justification for not liberalising indication for caesarean section in breech and careful selection of cases who can undergo safe vaginal delivery remains the key management of these cases, specially in population where average parity is high and consent for tubal ligation is not so easily accepted in cases of previous repeated caesarean sections.

Keywords: The Experience of Al-Jamahiriya Hospital Benghazi, with Breech Presentation
