The neurology map of the Arab world.


Benamer HT 1, Shakir RA 2.

1-Department of Neurology, New Cross hospital, Wolverhampton, WV10 0QP, United Kingdom. 2-Department of Neurology, Imperial NHS Trust London, World Federation of Neurology, United Kingdom

J Neurol Sci. 2009 Oct 15;285(1-2):10-2.


The Arab world covers a large geographical area over two continents, Africa and Asia and includes 23 countries ranging from low-to-high income. The estimated total population of the Arab world was around 318 million in 2005 and is projected to increase to 480 million in 2030. The percentage of people above the age of 60 will change from an average of 5.1% of the population in 2005 to 10.5% in 2030 with an increase in life expectancy from 68.2 years to 73.4 years. This will have a major effect on the burden of neurological diseases in the region. This article aims to review the available literature on the neurological supply and demand in the Arab countries and draws attention to the gaps in knowledge on the subject.

Keywords: Neurology; Arab countries
