The Upper Gastro-Intestinal Endoscopy Clinic in Benghazi

Original article


F. Jamil, F.M. Dogaili

Dept. of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 6, No.2. July 1983:151-155


Fibre-optic endoscopes were introduced in 1958. In Benghazi, they were used for the first time in 1977 and an endoscopy clinic was started in 1978. By September 1980, 1223 cases were examined for upper gastro-intestinal conditions. 537 of these cases were diagnosed as duodenal ulcers, 8 as gastric ulcers, 30 as cancer of the stomach, 4 as carcinoma of the oesophagus, 22 as oesophageal varices, and 41 cases as hiatus hernia, and other various diagnoses.
This study shows the value of endoscopy in the diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal conditions, especially cancer, when a biopsy may be obtained by this technique, and also in directly visualizing haemorrhages and other conditions that may not be seen on barium-meal radiography.

Keywords: The Upper Gastro-Intestinal Endoscopy Clinic in Benghazi
