Thyroid Carcinoma – A Study of 83 Cases from Eastern Libya

Original article


N. H. Sarma, O. Al — Fituri, K.M. Swalem and S.O.Sayeed

Department of Patho1ogy, Al — Arab Medical University, Benghazi, G.S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 17, No. 1-2. January/July l994:.60- 64


Thyroid carcinoma is relatively uncommon with varying geographic incidence. We could collect 83 cases over a span of twelve years and our analysis provide that the frequency of thyroid carcinoma is low in Eastern Libya. It also confirmed the female predominance, common occurrence around the fourth decade of life, and that papillary carcinoma was the most common histological type.

Keywords: Thyroid Carcinoma – A Study of 83 Cases from Eastern Libya
