Urolithiasis: Microbiological and Biochemical Studies of 107 Cases in Benghazi, Libya

Original article


M. A. Gad, 1 A.S.M. Giasuddin 1, S.S. Ablees 2

1-Department of Laboratory Medicine Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, S.P.L.AJ. 2-Department of Surgery,Al-Arab Medical University S.P.L.A.J

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 14, No. 1-2. January/July 1991: 16-21


In an attempt to correlate the chemical composition of renal stones with urinary tract infections (UT!) and serum biochemical parameters, a total of 107 Libyan patients with urolithiasis (81 males, 26 females; age: 81- 65 years) were studied. it was observed that of the 107 renal stones; 24 (22.4%), 1(0.9%), 2 (1.9%), 29 (27.1%), 4 (3.7%), 19 (17.8%), 8 (7.5%), 12 (11.2%) and 8 (7.5%) were composed of calcium oxalate (S1), calcium phosphate (S2) uric acid(S3), S4 (i.e., S1 + S2), S5 (i.e., S1+ S2 + calcium carbonate), S6 (i.e., .S1+ S2+ uric acid), S7 (i.e., S5+ uric acid), S8 (i.e., S1+ S2+ ammonium oxalate + ammonium phosphate) and S9 (i.e., S7+ S58) respectively. The preoperative urine cultures of all cases showed that Escherichia coli was the predominating organism (392%) followed by nonsignificant growth (26.2%). Enterobacter species (1.22%), mixed growth (11.2%), Proteus species (93%), and klebsiella species (1.9%). The analysis of the frequency of occurrence of various types of renal stones in relation to UTI revealed that E. coli was associated with the highest occurrence of S1 (6 7%), S2 (100%), S3 (50%), S4 (31%), S5 (05%), and S8 (41%). The S6, S7 and S9 were associated in high percentages with NSG (S6:37%, S7: 37.5%. S9:38%). Further assay of serum biochemical parameters (calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, sodium, potassium, creatinine and uric acid) failed to identify any significant metabolic abnormality which may predispose to renal stone formation. Itis therefore hypothesized that UTI is a major factor with E. coli the predominant infectious agent, responsible for the problem of urolithiasis in Eastern Libyans

Keywords: Urolithiasis: Microbiological and Biochemical Studies of 107 Cases in Benghazi, Libya
