Use of CHROMagar Candida for the presumptive identification of Candida species directly from clinical specimens in resource-limited settings

Original article


Sayyada Ghufrana Nadeem 1,2,3, Shazia Tabassum Hakim 1,2 , Shahana Urooj Kazmi 3

1-Department of Microbiology, Mycology Research and Reference Institute, Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Pakistan; 2-Virology and Tissue Culture Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Pakistan; 3-Immunology and Infectious Diseases Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

Libyan J Med 2010, 5: 2144 – DOI: 10.3402/ljm.v5i0.2144


Introduction: Identification of yeast isolated from clinical specimens to the species level has become increasingly important. Ever-increasing numbers of immuno-suppressed patients, a widening range of recognized pathogens, and the discovery of resistance to antifungal drugs are contributing factors to this necessity. Material and methods: A total of 487 yeast strains were studied for the primary isolation and presumptive identification, directly from clinical specimen. Efficacy of CHROMagar Candida has been evaluated with conventional methods including morphology on Corn meal-tween 80 agar and biochemical methods by using API 20 C AUX. Results: The result of this study shows that CHROMagar Candida can easily identify three species of Candida on the basis of colonial color and morphology, and accurately differentiate between them i.e. Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, and Candida krusei. The specificity and sensitivity of CHROMagar Candida for C. albicans calculated as 99%, for C. tropicalis calculated as 98%, and C. krusei it is 100%. Conclusion: The data presented supports the use of CHROMagar Candida for the rapid identification of Candida species directly from clinical specimens in resource-limited settings, which could be very helpful in developing appropriate therapeutic strategy and management of patients.

Keywords: CHROMagar Candida; resource-limited settings; presumptive identification
