Use of foley catheter as a cervical ripening agent prior to induction of labour

Short communication


Suliman Mohamed Eldurrija and Fatheia Ahmed Elrishy

Misurata Central Hospital, Misurata- Libya

JMJ Vol.4 No. 3 (Winter) 2005: 216-218


Objective:The purpose of this prospective study is to evaluate the efficacy of the extra-amniotic Foley catheter balloon as a method of cervical ripening. Study design: Pregnant women admitted for induction of labour with a term singleton gestation and without contradiction to vaginal delivery were assigned for cervical ripening by a balloon Foley catheter. 91% end up by spontaneous delivery within 12 hrs and no complication encountered.

Keywords: Foley catheter, Cervical ripening, Induction of labour
