Variations in the Talar Articular Facets in Libyan Calcanei

Original article


J. Jeyaseelan, V. Singh

Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, G. S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.12, No.1-2. January 1989:55-59


Variations encountered in the talar articular facets on 142 Libyan calcanei have been observed and classified. Four types of variations have been observed in the facets for articulation with the head of the talus. Type I constitutes 62% of cases characterised by the presence of the continuous facet on the sustentaculum tali extending on the anteromedial corner of the distal part of the calcaneus. Type II constitutes 32% of cases characterised by the presence of two separate facets, one on the sustentaculum tali and the other on the distal part of the body of calcaneus (considerable variations were found in the degree of separation and the size of the anterior facet). Type III constitutes 4% of cases characterised by a single facet on the sustentaculum tali. Type IV constitutes 2% of cases characterised by a single facet similar to Type I, but this facet is continuous with the posterior talar facet of the calcaneus.

Keywords: Variations in the Talar Articular Facets in Libyan Calcanei
