Vitamin E Levels in Pregnant Women During Labour and in Cord Blood of their Neonates

Original article


L. Varkey, H. Khattab, O. Karrar, Y. Bugaighis, I. Muntasser

From the Departments of Biochemistry, Medicine and Obstetrics and Gvnaecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Al Fateh, Tripoli, Libya.

Al Fateh Med J Vol .2, No. 1. July 1982:41-44


Plasma Vitamin E levels in pregnant women during labour is compared to Vitamin E levels in the cord plasma of their neonates. There is a significant increase in Vitamin E levels during labour compared to that of the controls (2.64±0.43 mg/dl Vitamin E as compared to 1.5 ±0.15 mg/dl Vitamin E of the controls). The Vitamin E levels of the cord plasma are significantly lower than that of the pregnant women during labour (0.5 ±0.16 mg/dl). There is a positive correlation between the cholesterol and Vitamin E levels of the maternal and cord plasma.

Keywords: Vitamin E Levels in Pregnant Women During Labour and in Cord Blood of their Neonates
