The pattern of renal vessels in our live related potential donors Pool:A multislice spiral C.T. Angiography

Original article


Ehtuish F Ehtuish and Anuj Mishra

National Organ Transplant Program, Tripoli Central Hospital, Tripoli, Libya

JMJ Vol.4 No. 3 (Winter) 2005: 197-201


Objectives – Review of the angiographic data of 118 live related kidney donors was done to assess the renal vessel anatomy, compare the findings with the per operative findings, to determine the sensitivity of Multislice Computed Tomography (CT) angiography in the work-up of live potential donors and finally to discuss and compare the results of the present study with the reported results using single slice CT, Magnetic Resonance (MRI) and conventional angiography. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of the angiographic data of 118 of prospective live related kidney donors was done. All donors underwent renal angiography on Multislice CT scan using 80 cc intravenous (I.V.) contrast with 1.25 mm. slice thickness followed by MIP and VRT post-processing algorithms. The number of vessels, vessel bifurcation, vessel morphology and venous anatomy was analyzed and the findings compared with the surgical findings. Results: Multislice spiral CT Angiography (MSCTA) showed clear delineation of the main renal arteries in all the donors with detailed vessel morphology. The study revealed 100% sensitivity in detection of accessory renal vessels which had an overall incidence of 26.67% with commonest distribution in the parahilar region. Discussion: The present study showed (100%) sensitivity in the visualization and detection of main and accessory renal vessels. These results were comparable with conventional angiography which has so far been considered the gold standard and were found superior to the use of single slice CT (SSCT) and MR in the angiographic work-up of live renal donors. Due to improved detection of accessory vessels less than 2 mm. in diameter, a higher incidence of aberrant vessels was seen on the right side as has been suggested so far.

Keywords: Multislice CT, MRI, Renal Angiography
