Mohamed Rashed*, Ali S Zawawi**, Mustafa Murmish***, Mohamed Rahouma****, Nadia Belkher*****
-Orthop.Dept.Khadra Hospital*.-Gyn.&Obst.Dept.Khadra**.-Gyn&Obst Dept. TMC Tripoli***.Tripoli-Libya.
-Gyn&Obst Dept. TMC Tripoli***.
JMJ Vol.5 No. 1 (Spring) 2006: 17-22
BACKGROUND: The term “ congenital dislocation of the hip” has traditionally been used to describe infant hips that may progress to dislocation. “Developmental dys plasia of the hip” the currentely preferred term, denote the same range of hip problems but also includes hips that are never documented to be dislocated but are poorly developed, as well as hips thats are determined to be abnormal after the new born period. Review of the natural history, physical examination techinques, ultra son graphy and radiological measures are included.
Keywords: Hip dislocation, Screening, Developmental dysplasia of the hip