Breech presentation at Al-Jamahiriya Hospital Benghazi

Original article


M, O. Busarira, E. R. Ihliss

JMJ Vol.3 No.1 (March) 2004: 71-72


125-singleton term breech presentation were collected during six months period, the total deliveries during the period of the study were 6,796. The incidence of term breech was (1.83%) and the most common type of breech was frank breech (67.2%). (62.4%) delivered by caesarean section and the remaining were vaginal deliveries. No difference in Apgar scores between the abdominal and vaginal deliveries. The current study shows term breech can be delivered safely vaginally in selected cases without increase in the rate of neonatal morbidity or mortality.

Keywords: Breech presentation, vaginal delivery, neonatal morbidity, neonatal mortality
