Analysis of Frequency, Types and Distribution of Jaw Cysts in the North Eastern Region of Libya

Original article


Mohamed S H Ingafou, Azzam A. Sultan

Departments of Oral Medicine, Oral pathology, Diagnosis and Radiology Faculty of Dentistry; Garyounis University, Benghazi

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 21, No.1. 2004:19-27


Objectives: To determine the characteristics of jaw cystic lesions in North Eastern Libya. Patients & Methods: Analytical study of intrabony cystic lesions of the jaws in 422 patients (9 to 72 years old). The cysts had been diagnosed clinically and radiographically and subjected to histopathological examination. Biopsies had been performed from January 1989 through June 2003 (those accounted for 16.5% of the total biopsied lesions during the period under review). Data were analyzed with regard to age, sex and anatomical distribution. Results & Conclusions: males outnumbered females at a ratio of 1.7 to 1, and inflammatory cysts were the most common. The pattern of cyst distribution according to age groups was similar to those found in previous studies, as about 66% of cysts occurred in persons below 30. Anatomical site variations were noticed a since as much as 61.8 % of cysts occurred in maxilla and only 38.2 % of them in mandible. Most radicular cysts occurred in the maxillary lateral incisors area, dentigerous cysts in the mandibular wisdom teeth area, while odontogenic keratocysts in the region between the mandibular molar teeth and ramus of the mandible and most postoperative residual cysts appeared in maxilla.

Keywords: Odontogenic Cysts, Libyan Population, Jaw Bone, Oral Health.
