Case report
Mohammad Habib Raza
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya.
Sebha Med J. 1998:Vol.1(2):138-140
A 35 year old Libyan female patient presented to the 2nd March Sebha Hospital with clinical and radiological evidence of intra uterine fetal death. After a conservative trial the patient underwent laprotomy. There was hemoperitoneum due to a large gastric leiomyoma invading the serosal coat. The patient was treated by billroth II gastrectomy and hysterotomy for the delivery of the dead fetus.
The patient had an uneventful post operative recovery and discharged in good condition. The literature on gastric leiomyoma is briefly reviewed and the cause of failure of its pre-operative diagnosis is discussed.
Keywords: gastric leiomyoma, intrauterine fetal death, Hemoperitoneum. Polya gastrectom.