Congenital ichthyosis in a Libyan child with ophthalmic manifestations.

Case report


Elshtewi M, Archer DB.

Department of Ophthalmology, University of Tripoli, Tripoli Eye Hospital, Libya.

Int Ophthalmol. 1991 Sep;15(5):343-5.


This report presents a Libyan child with congenital ichthyosis of the recessive lamellar variety complicated by severe ectropion of both upper and lower eyelids. Over a period of 12 months the degree of ectropion diminished and the anterior segments of the eyes were preserved using regular lubricating drops, vitamin A ointment and intermittent topical antibiotic therapy. Despite the pronounced initial upper eyelid ectropion no surgery was required to relieve the ectropion or prevent corneal exposure.

Keywords: Congenital ichthyosis in a Libyan child with ophthalmic manifestations.
