The Epidemiology and Preventation of Disability with Reference to Benghazi

Original article


R. Singh, A. Al-Toweir, R.C. Chaudhary

Department of Family and Community Medicine, FacuIty of Medicine. Al-Arab Medical University. Benghazi, G.S.P. L.A.J

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.12, No.1-2. January 1989:12-22


Since 1981, Libya pays special attention to the problem of rehabilitation. On 1st February 1983, of the initial 2028 severely disabled persons registered at Multidisciplinary Disability Assessment Clinic at Rui Sat in Benghazi, 68.9% were males, 83.9% were either children under 15 years (43.0%) or young adults under 45 years, and 61.2% had their onset of disability either during prenatal life (37.9%) or during childhood. By type the disabled persons had sensory-motor, neuro-musculoskeletal, and mental retardation forming 39.5%, 34.1% and 26.4% respectively. A high proportion of the disabled had multiple handicaps. Prevention of disability and rehabilitation services for disabled persons at Benghazi and the whole country are outlined along with special reference to the newly founded National Committee for Care-of the Disabled.

Keywords: Disability Benghazi
