Original article
Kashbur IM 1, Ayliffe GA 2, George RH 3.
1-Department of Bacteriology, Birmingham Maternity Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Edgbaston, Birmingham, U.K 2-Hospital Infection Research Laboratory, Dudley Road Hospital, Dudley Road, Birmingham B18 7QH, U.K. 3-Department of Microbiology, The Children’s Hospital, Ladywood Middleway, Birmingham B16 8ET, U.K.
J Hosp Infect. 1980 Dec;1(4):349-56.
Environmental sampling in a nursery showed no candida apart from on bed-sheets of infected or colonized neonates, the inside surface of one cot and two wash basins. Candida albicans died rapidly when diluted broth cultures were allowed to dry on finger tips or cover-slips. The survival curve on drying was similar to that of Escherichia coli and was not greatly influenced by the presence of serum. Death of candida cells was temporarily delayed in the absence of light. Growth occurred in distilled water over 5 days at room temperature irrespective of the presence or absence of light.
Keywords: The survival of Candida albicans in moist and dry environments.
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