Original article
V.N. Chaturvedi 1, G. Senthilkumaran 2, P.S. Manjrekar 3, Asma Ali Hassan 4
1-Section of Otolaryngology, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J. 2-Department of Otolaryngology, 7th April Hospital, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J. 3-Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J. 4-Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 6, No.1. January 1983:35-40
This study considers 18 cases of nasopharyngeal cancer (N.P. C.). These cases make up 37.5% of malignancy seen in the E.N. T. region. The male: female ratio was 3.5:1 with the youngest case a 15-year female and the eldest a 70-years male. The average duration between the onset of symptoms and confirmation of diagnosis was 9.95 months. The common presenting symptoms were; epistaxis with nasal blockage and lymph node metastasis in 38.8%.
The histopathology revealed squamous cell carcinoma in 33.3%, poorly differentiated carcinoma in 33.3% and lymphoepithelioma in 27.7%, and malignant lymphoma in 5.5%. Audiogram showed hearing loss in 44.4% of cases. Radiological evidence of bony destruction was seen in 33.3%. C.A. T. Scan revealed abnormality in one case. All the new cases were advised radiotherapy and 4 cases were given chemotherapy.
Keywords: A Profile of Nasopharyngeal Cancer in Benghazi A Study of 18 Cases