Original article
Jamal A. Jaafar
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.19. 1998-2002:95-106
In 162 women with ovarian mass in the age group between 16-67 years, and in whom laparatomy was performed, the mass was subjected for histopathological examination. The transvaginal ultrasound characteristics have been assessed and the specificity of the value of nine different ultrasonic features has been assessed and the specificity of each for the confirmation or exclusion of malignancy was studied. We found that transvaginal scanning was helpful in the differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian tumors, and ovarian malignancy should always be considered when the mass is multilocular, with thick wall solid areas, and internal septation . When pelvic nodules or ascites is present in association with pelvic mass, the mass is almost always malignant.
Keywords: Transvaginal Sonography; is it helpful in differentiating benign from malignant ovarian tumors?