Original article
M. A. A. Khadre1, 1. Muntasser2, S. El Hodiri 3
1-Chairman, Department of Microbiology. 2- President, University of Al Fateh 3-Dean, Faculty of Medicine
Al Fateh Med. J Vol .1, No. 1. January 1981:41-4 6
The result herein reported are based upon data collected from 942 Libyan mothers giving live births. Within this group the mean number of pregnancies per mother was close to 5 (exactly 4.92). The proportion of mothers giving birth for the 10-15th time was high (10.54%). Mothers with 2 and 3 previous pregnancies had also had previous spontaneous abortions (11. 76% and 9.43% respectively). Higher proportions of mothers with 4 pregnancies or more had had the experience of abortions. It was also recorded that approximately 5% of mothers pregnant for the second or third time reported the loss of one or more children by death. With increasing numbers of pregnancies, mortality in children increased significantly. More mothers with 10 or more pregnancies reported combined occurrence of abortion and mortality in their children. The causes of abortion and children mortality is not discussed here. No correlation could be established between rubella antibody titers in the mothers of their latest infants sera and occurrence of abortions or children mortality. The abortion rate in this group of Libyan women was found to be 6.96% of al/pregnancies. The mortality rate of children was 8.87%.
Keywords: Comparative Abortion in Libyan Mothers, Mortality Among their Children, and Rubella Antibody Titers