Original article
Khalifa. M. Alayat 1, Mahnioud H. A. Milad 2, Mehrez M. Ibrahim, A. Zain 1, Amer Twati 1, Maher Hamed 1.
1-Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Libya. 2-Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Libya..
Sebha Univ. J Med. Sci. 2002, Vol 3(1):10-12
95 cases of intestinal obstruction were studied retrospectively over a period of 5 years. Obstruction due tohernia account for 43% of the cases. Adhesions account for 32% of cases secondary to appendicectomy. trauma and pelvic surgery. Strangulation account for 7% of cases. Conservative treatment was successful in 23% of cases, most of them due to adhesions. Mean hospital stay was 7.4 day. Morbidity was 5.2% Mortality was 5.2%.
Keywords: Intestinal Obstruction : A 5-year Retrospective Study in 2nd March Hospital, Sebha