Quantitative And Qualitative Study Of “Acini Of Brunner’s Glands Of Duodenum” In Mammals

Original article


M. Najmul Huda

Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya.

Sebha Med J. 1999; Vol. 2(1):38-41


Mean value of number of Acini of Brunner’s glands in upper middle and lower third of duodenum in six groups of mammals was studied in Bihar, India.
Four male animals each from albino rat, rabbit, guinea pig, goat, dog, and man were selected for studies and were categorised into groups A,B,C,D,E and F respectively.
On the basis of studies it was observed that the Acini of Brunner’s glands exhibit, greater variation of mean value in different groups of animals and it was noticed that the maximum number of acini were recorded in Duodenum of goat and were reduced in case of rat, rabbit, man, guinea pig and dog in that order.

Keywords: Quantitative And Qualitative Study Of “Acini Of Brunner’s Glands Of Duodenum” In Mammals
