Short Communication
Jumma A Madi ¹, Hasan A Maghur ², Khalifa Mousbah Daib ¹, Hosnia G Sudani ¹
1-Department of Medicine, Respiratory unit
JMJ 2008,Vol.8, No.3:221-223
Background: Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (PSP) is a common health problem in patients referred to emergency departments. PSP occurs mainly in young adult people aged 20-30 years with an overall recurrence rate of 23-50% after a first episode. The incidence of PSP is not known among the Libyan population but it is estimated to be ~ 5 per 100,000 per year for males and much less than that 1 per 100,000 per year for females. Several treatment options are available for the treatment of PSP such as observation, supplementary oxygen and simple aspiration, thoracostomy tube with or without instillation of sclerosing agents, thoracoscopy and open thoracotomy. Objectives: This retrospective study was carried out to review and assess the safety, efficacy and the outcome as well as the mean duration of hospitalization among patients with PSP. Patients and Methods: A total of 100 adult Libyan patients were admitted consecutively and managed in the medical respiratory unit at TMC medically over a four years period (1 July 2000 – end of June 2004). The diagnosis and volume of PSP was made on clinical and radiological basis. Results: Out of 100 patients with PSP 76 (76%) patients had complete lung expansion with observation, supplemental oxygen, thoracostomy tube over few days of hospitalization. 24 (24%) patients out of 100 patients with PSP failed to show lung re-expansion after few days with traditional medical management and they were managed with further optimal interventions. The recurrence rate 6 months after the first episode was 6%. No mortality was reported in this study. Conclusion: This study showed that the management modalities used in this study in particular tube thoracotomy remains safe, effective and with a good outcome in symptomatic PSP patients.
Keywords: PSP, Management, Thoracostomy tube, Chest drainage