Original article
Krishnan B, El Sheikh MH.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Arab Medical Sciences University, Benghazi, Libya.
J Craniofac Surg. 2008 May;19(3):782-4.
Zygomatic fractures are commonly encountered by the maxillofacial surgeon. Twenty-five patients with isolated zygomatic arch fractures were managed successfully under local anesthesia and sedation using the intraoral buccal sulcus approach. A dental forceps was used as the reducing instrument. Maxillofacial surgical units that manage a large number of trauma cases can consider this technique as a rapid means to manage such fractures under local anesthesia and sedation.
Keywords: Dental forceps reduction of depressed zygomatic arch fractures.
Link/DOI: http://www.jcraniofacialsurgery.com/pt/re/jcransurg/abstract.00001665-200805000-00038.htm;jsessionid=KZyXVrpgyfRCfMvsCxzGkp28LRZ85tWgywXMXcH3vtklXpjYcQKh!-1775402713!181195628!8091!-1