Original article
Nadia Gantri, Mohamed Shemish, Enas Mukthar Ekari
Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al- Fateh University of Medical Sciences Tripoli, Libya
JMJ 2010,Vol.10, No.1:30-33
To correlate the endometrial thickness measured by transvaginal sonography (T.V.S) and menstrual status with histopathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding, to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of transvaginal sonography in assessment of endometrial thickness and detection of intrauterine abnormalities in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding. Patients, Material and Methods: This cross sectional prospective study was performed among Libyan women who came from different areas in Libya with abnormal uterine bleeding in age ranged from 35 years old to 85 years, endometrial thickness was measured by TVS. The endometrial uterine specimen was sent to histopathology for reporting. Results: A total of 205 patients completed the study, the age ranged from 35 – 85 years old. Menorrhagia was the most common frequent pattern of abnormal uterine bleeding, occurred in 72 women (35.1%).There was a relation between the endometrial thickness and pattern of bleeding but this was not significant (p=0.08). The relation between endometrial thickness and histopathology was statistically significant (p 5mm was considered abnormal using ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve the sensitivity at 5 mm cut – off point was 82%, and the specificity was 68%. Conclusion: Transvaginal sonography seems to be an effective procedure to exclude endometrial and intrauterine abnormalities, but it is impossible to definitely differentiate between benign and malignant endometrial lesions based on transvaginal ultrasound findings since only the histology will provide a definite result.
Keywords: Endometrial thickness, Uterine, Bleeding, Histopathology.
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/images/stories/spring2010/30.pdf