Medical responsibility in the United Arab Emirates.



Benomran F.

Dubai Police, PO Box 1493, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

J Forensic Leg Med. 2010 May;17(4):188-93.


Medical responsibility in the United Arab Emirates was formerly defined and governed according to Law 7 of 1975 for the practice of medical professions, which had been a part of civil law. The passing of Law 10 of 2008, namely the “Law on Medical Responsibility in UAE”, enacted on 16th December 2008 created a new framework to deal with this issue. One of its provisions required medical practitioners to hold insurance policies, so that insurance companies pays damages to the plaintiff (patient) injured as a result of a physicians’ negligence. This paper outlines the issue of medical responsibility and medical negligence. The author’s translation of the new law into English is included so that its full text is available for the readers, especially expatriate doctors working in the UAE. Where appropriate, a brief comparison between the old law and new laws is also presented. The objective of this paper is to provide medical practitioners with basic information about the subject in general and to this legislation in particular. It is mandatory for doctors to realize inherent risks involved in the course of their practice. A basic knowledge of the law is required to avoid pitfalls and to safeguard oneself against errors arising from ignorance of the duties and rights of the professional person. Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Medical responsibility; Malpractice; Regulation of the medical profession; Law 10 of 2008; Law 7 of 1975; UAE laws
