Brucellosis update in Libya and regional prospective



Ahmed MO, Abouzeed YM, Bennour EM, van Velkinburgh JC.


Pathog Glob Health. 2015 Feb;109(1):39-40. doi: 10.1179/2047773214Y.0000000170. Epub 2015 Jan 11.


Urogenital myiasis is a parasitic infestation caused by larvae of Psychoda spp. and it is very rare in humans. A 10- year old female was presented with urogenital myiasis and 4(th) stage Larvae of Psychoda albipennis (Diptera: Psychodidae) were found in urine. The patient was complained of painful sensation, discomfort and burning while urination. Urinary tract antiseptics were prescribed for the patient and advised to drink plenty of water for hydration. Local health authorities should take proper measures to maintain hygienic conditions for the people under risk.

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Link/DOI: 10.1179/2047773214Y.0000000170